Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fwd: Send the money back!

From: Charlessands 
Date: December 16, 2010 9:50:01 AM PST
Subject: Fwd: Send the money back!

Bcc:  Madrone Park Circle, HVCC, SaveEvergreen and Hearus groups

-----Original Message-----
From: Paula Wegeforth
To: Charlessands <>
Sent: Thu, Dec 16, 2010 9:25 am
Subject: Re: Fwd: Send the money back!

I think this is really the best argument, and idea, yet!!!

P Wegeforth
Pixie Trail

--- On Wed, 12/15/10, Charlessands <> wrote:

From: Charlessands <>
Subject: Fwd: Send the money back!
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 11:48 PM

Gail has a very good point !!!!!!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: gail taras <>
To: Charlessands Sands <>; Mari Tamburo <>; Keith Garriott <>
Cc: hbrown <>; skinsey <>; cmcglashan <>; fmansourian <>; jarnold <>; sadams <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 15, 2010 6:50 pm
Subject: Send the money back!

Today, our incoming governor, Jerry Brown, sent out a message warning California residents that because of the $28 billion deficit, the new budget will be "draconian". Since schools account for the majority of the state's budget, they will be hard hit by what is coming. Some schools will be closed altogether, programs eliminated, class sizes increased. This in addition to what has already happened - tuition increases at state colleges and universities, etc. Not to mention the elimination of programs to help to the poorest and neediest among us. And tax increases for the rest of us.

Evergreen Avenue is one of the safest places on earth. Our neighborhood overall is quiet and mellow. People know their neighbors. They walk their dogs and stroll their kids down to Whole Foods on Saturday afternoon. They stop in the middle of the street and chat with friends passing by in cars while their dogs and kids stand or play nearby. I honestly can't imagine a "safer route to school" than Evergreen Avenue!

Accidents do happen in this life. My husband's car was crashed into by a speeding SUV running a red light in Pacific Heights this week (he's okay, but his car is not.) A friend of mine was hospitalized when a car jumped the sidewalk in the city and ran her down a few years ago. Sometimes planes crash without the help of terrorists. Sometimes whole neighborhoods blow up because of a faulty gas line. Sometimes Mt. St. Helen's blows! We can't all be 100% safe all the time! But Evergreen is the closest I've ever come to it! Think of the kids in SF's Western Addition or East Oakland or Richmond who are likely to encounter gunfire or a drive-by shooting on their way to school. Where are their "safe routes"?

Why  $1,000,000 has to be spent on Evergreen for a sidewalk that so many people who live on the street do not even want is a mystery to me! It is just unnecessary. There so many other uses for state funds that could truly benefit the greater good.

I think the DPW should just send the money back.

Gail Taras

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