Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Request that a C.E.Q.A.. Environmental Impact Study of DPW's Evergreen Ave. sidewalk and traffic calming proposal be made

From: Charlessands
Date: November 9, 2010 11:13:51 AM PST
To: THaddad@co.marin.ca.us
Cc: BCrawford@co.marin.ca.us, fmansourian@co.marin.ca.us, Tlai@co.marin.ca.us
Subject: Request that a C.E.Q.A.. Environmental Impact Study of DPW's Evergreen Ave. sidewalk and traffic calming proposal be made.

Bcc: Homestead Valley Concerned Citizens, Madrone Park Circle, SaveEvergree and Hearus Homestead Valley property groups.

Subject: Request that a C.E.Q.A. Environmental Impact Study of DPW's Evergreen Ave. sidewalk and traffic calming proposal be made.

Dear Mr. Haddad,

On 5 November 2010 the Marin County Director of Public Works stated at an Evergreen Ave, Sidewalk public meeting that its design was 10% complete.

An Environmental Impact Study is warranted by the California Environmental Quality Act given that the project is not consistent with the following Tamalpais Area Community Plan goal, policies and objectives and may have the following significant negative impacts.
- Tamalpais Area Community Plan Goal # 1: Maintain the semi-rural character of the community as defined by its small town residential and commercial setting and the quality of the natural environment. A 4’-0” wide sidewalk is consistent with Goal # 1. A 5'-0" wide sidewalk is not. All of the Mill Valley Sycamore neighborhoods sidewalks are 4'-0" wide.
- Road Way Design Character: Objective T-6: To retain the character of the Planning Area by assuring future roadway construction and improvements will have a low impact on the residential environment. - Policy T-6.1: All roadway improvements must be designed to preserve and enhance the semi-rural character of the Planning Area. - Policy T-6.2: All new roadway improvements must be designed to have a minimal impact on the values of the natural environment. A 4’-0” wide sidewalk is consistent with Goal # 1. A 5'-0" wide sidewalk is not. All of the Mill Valley Sycamore neighborhoods sidewalks are 4'-0" wide.
- Title 24 Section 24:04:460: Sidewalks within village areas: Unpaved pedestrian walks at least four feet in width shall be required elsewhere. (Residential areas).
- Narrowing Evergreen Age’s travel lane to less than 11’-0” is not consistent with Caltrans minimum travel lane width.
- DPW has provided no engineering traffic volume, frequency or speeding surveys in accordance with Caltrans procedures to support any "traffic calming" measures.
- Potential loss of approximately 3 on-street parking spaces. May be mitigated by designating 3 on-street parking spaces adjoining Volunteer Park as Resident Only.
- Regrading of +/- private property driveways.
- Potential removal of +/- 5 protected coast redwood trees.
- Majority of Homestead Valley property owners are very concerned about reducing the travel lane width’s negative impact on safe use of Evergreen Ave. by vehicles and bicycles.

We respectfully request your consideration of this issue and reply.

Charles Sands, Architect and Urban Designer
Sandsconsult Architects

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