Thursday, November 4, 2010

I personally could support the following pedestrian pathway along Evergreen Ave

From: Charlessands
Date: November 4, 2010 9:24:46 PM PDT
Subject: I personally could support the following pedestrian pathway along Evergreen Ave


I personally could support a pedestrian pathway design proposal along Evergreen Ave. from Melrose to the City of Mill Valley as follows:
a) Two new 11'-0" paved travel lanes.
b) A 7'-0" on street parking lane paved with decomposed granite as approved by DPW along the street frontage of the large white home at the corner of Melrose and Laverne Ave.
c) A continuous 6" exposed aggregate reinforced concrete curb. (prefer using black ornamental bollards as in Europe to keep vehicles off the pathway and to reduce grading and drainage costs)
d) A continuous 4'-0" decomposed granite pathway in accord with Marin County Title 24 Section 24.04.460 for village area sidewalks and maintained by the County.
e) A continuous 3'-0" wide planting strip with a 12 ga. galvanized between the decomposed granite pathway and adjoining property. This will preserve most of the existing street trees and landscaping.
f) Provide a cross walk at the east end of Volunteer Park from the pathway on the south side of Evergreen Ave. for Marin Horizon School students who will walk this more direct way. They will not walk the longer distance along Melrose to cross Melrose to cross to a pathway on the south side of Evergreen. Marin Horizon School to provide a crossing guard for its students.
g) Provide a decomposed granite pathway through Volunteer Park to a cross walk at Melrose to join Marin Horizon School's street improvements (ADA sidewalk, curb, gutter, drainage and paving that Marin Horizon School is required to provide in accordance with County ordinances 24.04.015 (c ) and Chapter 19.05 as a result of constructing its new classroom building.

The above design proposal is consistent Homestead Valley's Tamalpais Area Community Plan TACP T6.1 and T6.2 that 1) "All roadway improvements (sidewalks/pathways) must be designed to preserve and enhance the semi-rural character of the Planning Area (Evergreen Ave)" and 2) All new roadway improvements must be designed to have a minimal impact on the value of natural environment.
b) The materials and 4-0" width of the proposed decomposed granite pathway are consistent with usage by less than 20 pedestrians per hour and with the semi-rural character of Evergreen Ave. and is consistent with TACP T6.1 and T6.2.
c) A 7'-0" on street parking lane paved with decomposed granite is consistent with the compacted gravel parking on the north side of Evergreen Ave. It will absorb storm water. visually unify the streets image and enhance the semi-rural character of Evergreen Ave. and is consistent with TACP T6.1 and T6.2.
d) Evergreen Ave. 22'-0" wide paved travel surface is not reduced allowing vehicles to travel in the middle of the road, as they do now, enabling them to pass cyclists and clear them by
+/- 7'-0". Reducing the minimum Caltrains 22"-0" wide paved travel surface endangers all vehicles and cyclists.
e) As a "Traffic Calming Measure" Require Marin Horizon School to mitigate its significantly negative traffic impact on the volume of traffic on Evergreen Ave. by "tanning" its 1-8 grade students.
o An independent traffic count survey this fall shows that 36% of the the total of morning school hour traffic are Marin Horizon School vehicles. And 51 % of the the total of morning school hour traffic are Marin Horizon School vehicles. See Fig,. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
f) To control speeding the Marin County Sheriff office has informed me that if requested by the community it will monitor and ticket speeders.
o During the independent traffic count survey this fall vehicles that appeared to be speeding were vehicles with children going to to or coming from Marin Horizon School.

Charles Sands, Architect and Urban Designer
Sandsconsult Architects

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