Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Re: Evergreen Ave. proposed sidewalk. Request for infornmation and explanations

From: charlessands@aol.com
Date: July 13, 2010 7:08:16 AM PDT
To: sschneider@co.marin.ca.us
Cc: skinsey@co.marin.ca.us, bbeaumont@co.marin.ca.us
Subject: Re: Evergreen Ave. proposed sidewalk. Request for infornmation and explanations

You are respectfully requested to provide the Average Daily Traffic volume on Evergreen Ave. measured in accordance with California Department of Transportation standard methods and be prepared to explain the following omissions in the 2005 Marin Horizon School Environmental Impact Study Section 6 Transportation/Circulation which was used to support the fallacious statement that Marin Horizon School’s expansion plan would not negatively impact existing Homestead Valley road way capacities.

1. Please explain why Dowling Associate’s (DAI) DPW’s Land Use, Water Resources persons preparing / reviewing MHS E.I.S Section 6 Transportation/Circulation did not cite or require MHS to reimburse the County for any County street improvements required by MHS significant negative impact on the capacity of the width of the existing street system to absorb MHS existing and projected traffic volume.
Title 24 Section 24.04.030 Road Classifications states: “The design criteria for a road shall be based on the classifications defined below. Use figures (i.e., units served and ADT) shall be based on the ultimate development of the area served by the road as defined by the Marin countywide plan and/or any general, specific or community plan applicable to the area.
"Arterial road" means all arterial roads as specified in the countywide plan or the Marin county annual road list, and other major roads with an actual or projected ADT over two thousand.
"Industrial commercial road" means a road providing access to, or through, an industrial or commercial zone or an area of high truck and/or other large vehicle traffic.
"Collector road" means a road with an actual or projected ADT from one thousand to two thousand.
"Residential road" means a road providing access to a generally residential area and which serves or may serve twenty or more dwelling units, and a maximum potential ADT of one thousand.
"Minor residential road" means a road providing access to a generally residential area and which serves or may serve seven to nineteen dwelling units, and a maximum potential ADT of five hundred.
"Limited residential road" means a road which serves two to six dwelling units, and a maximum potential ADT of one hundred fifty.”
(Ord. 3181 § 5 (part), 1994)

Title 24 Section 24.04.110 Width states: a) The following (Table 1.) sets forth the minimum widths for the improved section measured from face of curb to face of curb. Where no curb or berm is proposed the paved width shall be one foot greater than that listed to allow for edge striping and pavement edge raveling.
Table 1.
MC Road Classification and Minimum Paved Width

Road Classification
Minimum Paved Width
Limited residential road (LR)
20' with shoulders

24' with curbs
Minor residential road (MR)
Residential road (RR)
Collector road (CR)
Arterial and industrial/commercial (IR)
As required
(b) Additional width may be required for left turn storage, intersection widening, bus lanes and multipurpose pathways.
(c) Shoulders shall be provided on each side of all roads. Shoulders shall normally be four feet wide although wider shoulders may be required as deemed appropriate by the agency.
(Ord. 3181 § 5 (part), 1994)

2. Please explain why DAI and the DPW’s Land Use, Water Resources persons preparing / reviewing MHS E.I.S Section 6 Transportation/Circulation did not assess MHS’ existing and projected traffic volume impact on the existing Road Classification and Width of Montford, Melrose and Evergreen Aves.

3. Please explain why DAI and the DPW’s Land Use, Water Resources persons preparing / reviewing MHS E.I.S Section 6 Transportation/Circulation failed to assess the environmental impact of MHS projected traffic volume on the existing and future road classifications and widths of Montford, Melrose and Evergreen Aves.

Table 2 illustrates MHS’ traffic negative environmental impact on the Road Classification and Width of Montford, Melrose and Evergreen Ave. Table 2 reveals that:

1. Montford, Melrose and Evergreen Ave.s have extremely substandard street widths.
2. MHS Melrose Ave. passenger drop-off-loading area reduces Melrose Ave.’ 50 feet right of way by 13.5 feet to 36.5 feet which is significantly less than the 40 feet required by 24.o4.110 and has a significant negative impact on Melrose Ave.s’ capacity to carry existing, projected and future traffic volume seriously “deteriorating Melrose Ave. below acceptable County standards” MHS’ Section 6 Traffic/Circulation environmental impact question 6. a) “Substantial increase in vehicle trips or traffic congestion such that existing levels of service on effected road ways will deteriorate below acceptable County standards”
3. MHS generated traffic increases traffic volume on all streets requiring major DPW road width improvements at MHS expense.
4. MHS expansion has a significant negative impact on all streets. Traffic on Evergreen Ave. is increased by more than 100%. Why was this significant negative impact omitted by DAI and the DPW’s Land Use, Water Resources persons preparing / reviewing MHS E.I.S Section 6 Transportation ?

Table 2
MHS’ projected traffic impact on road classification and road width.

Road Name
Exist’g paved travel surface (2)
Exist’g total trips 08:00 to 18:00 hrs.
MHS after expansion trips 08:00 to 18:00 hrs.
Projected total trips
after MHS expansion 08:00 to 18:00 hrs.
after MHS expansion
with out MHS
expansion trips

paved width
with MHS expansion
paved width
with out
MHS expansion

Montford Ave.

+/- 22’
Melrose Ave,

+/- 29.5’

Evergreen Ave.

+/- 27’-30’

1). Right of Way width from MC Assessor’s Maps.
2). Pavement width based on field measurements.
3). Existing total trips from MHS’ E.I.S. Section VI Traffic/Circulation.
4). Projected trips based on MHS enrollment expansion from 250 to 300 students..
5).Projected total trips based on adding 103 MHS additional expansion trips.
6). Assumed probable ADTs = approximately 500 00:00 to 08:00 hr. trips plus existing total 08:00 – 18:00 hrs trips minus existing 2004 MHS 382 total trips plus 500 18:00 to 24:00 hrs trips.

Respectfully submitted

Charles D. Sands Architect and Urban Designer
Sandsconsult Architects
12 Madrone Park Circle
Mill Valley, CA 94941

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