Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Miller Residents Ask for Help to Thwart MHS Toddler Move

-----Original Message-----
From: John J. Goggin
To: 'Charlessands'
Cc: jefmgmtserv
Sent: Wed, Oct 10, 2012 6:55 am
Subject: Marin Horizon School
Dear Charles:
I used to be on your mailing list when I lived in Homestead Valley.
I then moved down to Miller Ave. and asked you to remove me from the list, which you did.
Thank you.
Now I’ve just learned that MHS is planning on moving their toddlers to an old home that is right next door to my home. In fact the fence is literally three feet away from my property.
They even plan on setting up a playground right next to my bedroom.
There are ten residents on our property and all of us will be affected by the noise from sun up to sun down, and then there’s the traffic to consider.
Here’s the link to the article in the Patch: 
There’s a city council meeting regarding this matter on the 22nd.
Would you be willing to put something out to your mailing list regarding the meeting?
Perhaps some of the people that are still upset about what happened in Homestead Valley will be willing to show up at the meeting to support us.
We’re going to need all of the help that we can get as the city council seems to talking about this as a done deal.
Thank you for any help that you may provide,
John J. Goggin
251 Miller Ave.