Sunday, December 26, 2010

Re: Melrose and Evergreen

Mr. Sands - 

Why the knee jerk "no" reaction to something that does not concern you? 

It is not "suddenly" a problem. 
That corner is an area noted by many neighbors, among those on record are myself, Karlyn, Mr. Wuthnow and a young boy who spoke at the September sidewalk meeting at the Mill Valley Community Center. If you may remember, he noted cars that "whip around that corner pretty fast." 

I am grateful that the DPW is responding to our requests for improved safety at that intersection. 
Mr. Mansourian has sent out the traffic team and have found that the Stop sign is warranted. What now - do you want to see the report?

Do you actually believe you know more about this issue than people who live on this block?
How would you feel if we interfered with something you wanted to do on Madrone Park Circle? 


On Dec 26, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Charlessands wrote:

See Karlyn Ward's below email.
Never been a pedestrian or vehicle accident at Melrose and Evergreen  since they were contstructed in the horse and buggy days.
How is it that suddenly this intersection is nowe a problem ????  

-----Original Message-----
From: Mari Tamburo <>
To: hv94941.sands 
Sent: Sun, Dec 26, 2010 8:51 am
Subject: Fwd: [HEAR US] Melrose and Evergreen

Begin forwarded message:

From: wardkm 
Date: December 25, 2010 9:37:13 PM PST
Subject: [HEAR US] Melrose and Evergreen

In the meantime, it is a dangerous intersection, and while it would be
good to have it constructed according to code, until it is, it needs
stop signs.
K Ward


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