Monday, December 27, 2010

Fwd: Arrogance and lack of communication is alive and well in Homestead Valley

From: Charlessands
Date: December 26, 2010 8:04:05 PM PST
To: drive@......
Subject: Arrogance and lack of communication is alive and well in Homestead Valley 

Arrogance is alive and well in Homestead Valley. First  a  handful of well meaning Marin Horizon School and Homestead Valley Community Association people advocated that Homestead Valley needs sidewalks on Evergreen and Melrose Ave. and these streets must be reduced in width to reduce non-existent traffic. Now a handful of handful of well meaning Evergreen Ave .residents advocate that Homestead Valley needs a stop sign at Melrose and Evergreen  Ave. Both decisions are arrogant and failed to engage Homestead Valley in  a dialogue.  Communication is as non-existent in Homestead Valley with Hearus and the Homestead Valley Beat as before. 
Neither group's lay opinions and observations are supported by traffic engineering studies in accord with Caltrans engineering design standards justifying either proposal. If there were such studies, justifying either proposal, I'd be the first to support either proposal.


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