Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fwd: Linden Lane & Evergreen Ave Requesting

From: Charlessands 
Date: December 30, 2010 10:21:55 AM PST
Subject: Re: Linden Lane & Evergreen Ave Requesting 

Amanuel Haile
Assistant Traffic Engineer
DPW -Marin County
Dear Mr. Haille,
Please email your be low response to Keith Garriot at, as I did not ask the below question, but its a good one.  We've also had drivers on Madrone Park Circle looking for Mt. Tam and Muir Woods. Sure would help if DPW could simply support Mr. Garriot's below request by endorsing it and sending it to the City of Mill Valley for action.

-----Original Message-----
From: Haile, Amanuel <>
To: charlessands <>
Sent: Thu, Dec 30, 2010 10:04 am
Subject: Linden Lane & Evergreen Ave Requesting

Mr. Sands,
We have reviewed your email below requesting signage.  The streets mentioned are within the City of Mill Valley and the County has no jurisdiction.  Below please find the city's phone number and web address.
City of Mill Valley (415) 388-4033,

Thank you
Subject: [KEITH'S CORNER] Residents On Linden Lane & Evergreen Ave Requesting A Road S...
        Hello Farhad,
        I'm respectfully requesting on behalf of myself and several neighbors
        I have spoken with on Linden Lane and Evergreen Ave, that DPW's
        traffic engineering staff investigate the possibility of placing a
        road sign at the intersection of Montford to Molino Avenue and Linden
        Lane (at the turn heading up the hill), indicating the way to Muir
        Woods and Mt Tam.
        I, along with several of my neighbors in this immediate area, are
        stopped daily by motorists who have turned left at that intersection
        and become lost on their way to either Muir Woods or Mt Tam.
        I've been living here for the past 14 years and have been asked the
        way to Muir Woods and Mt. Tam so much, that I often thought about
        printing out my own "Way To Muir Woods & Mt, Tam Programs" to hand out
        to tourists visiting in the area!
        I also think that this sign placement would help alleviate some
        unnecessary traffic congestion and U-turns on Linden Lane and
        Evergreen Ave from the lost tourists.
        Please let me know if you need more specifics on location concerning
        this issue or if I need additional support from residents in this area
        to have this investigation conducted.
Amanuel Haile
Assistant Traffic Engineer
DPW -Marin County

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