Monday, November 21, 2011

Neighborhood on-street parking spaces still usurped

bcc: Madrone Park Circle, Evergreen Avenue and Homestead Valley (CSA 14) neighbors.

Nothing has changed since May 22, 2011.. Neighborhood on-street parking spaces is still usurped by Marin Horizon School vehicles.

Homestead  Valley neighbors complained at the joint Marin Horizon School (MHS) /Homestead Valley Community Association joint May 22, 201 meeting that MHS special event parking was usurping all neighborhood on-street residential parking spaces for blocks around MHS.

At this meeting certain members of the MHS Board advised that "Homestead residents look at the MHS calendar if they want to know when events are happening at MHS".  This is patent nonsense. MHS is obligated by its 2005 Use Permit and Environmental Initial Study Negative Declarations to notify its neighbors and park MHS vehicles for special events elsewhere outside of the neighborhood and provide shuttles. 

MHS' Board of Supervisor's resolution July 30, 2005-104 approved Environmental Initial Study Negative Declarations Appendix B Traffic Plan For the Marin Horizon School page 68 states "Neighbors are notified in advance of special events by mail, both at the beginning of the school year and shortly before each event" and  resolution 2005-105 requires MHS to provide shuttles for those MHS special event vehicles not able to park on site. 

Failure of MHS to comply with this requirement is a violation of the California Environmental Quality Act and MHS' Use Permit and resolutions 2005-104 and 105,

Homestead Valley neighbors should seek relief by demanding Supervisor Kinsey require MHS' compliance. 

And if Supervisor Kinsey he fails to require MHS to comply with Board of Supervisors July 30, 2005  approved Environmental Initial Study Negative Declarations Appendix B Traffic Plan For the Marin Horizon School page 68 , Homestead Valley neighbors should seek a court ordered injunction requiring MHS to comply with resolutions 2005-104 and 105 and every applicable county Title 25 parking ordinance which requires that all MHS related vehicles be parked on site not on street. 

Charles Sands,
Sandsconsult  Architects
12 Madrone Park Circle
Mill Valley, CA 94941
415 381 6804

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