Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why are there no MHS crossing guard...?

HEAR US :  The Homestead Valley Beat Community Forum : 
Begin forwarded message:
From: Charlessands 
Date: February 10, 2011 7:34:29 PM PST
Subject: Why are there no MHS crossing guard this morning after 8:30 AM and none this afternoon as usual  ... ?

Bcc:  Madrone Park Circle,  HVCC, SaveEvergreen, Hearus and HV Beat groups
Why are there no Marin Horizon School (MHS) crossing guard this morning after 8:30 AM and none this afternoon as usual  ... ? 
MHS management obviously is not overly concerned with the safety of  their commuting parent and student walkers walking on Evergreen Ave. or MHS would provide the crossing guard required by supervisor resolution 2005-105.  
MHS  could care less  about providing the crossing guard at Melrose/ Volunteer Park required by its county approved March 2010  Management Plan as the county does not monitor MHS compliance.
The county deceptively and deceitfully wrongly imposed MHS on our community in 2005 by deliberately ignoring the fact that 99.4% of MHS' students commute to Homestead Valley which is totally inconsistent with our Tamalpais Area Community Plan's requirement that MHS serve primarily students from Homestead Valley.
The result of Supervisor's Kinsey's support of wrongly imposing MHS on our community is a 100% increase in  Evergreen Ave. traffic.  A significant negative impact that was concealed from all the other supervisors in order to gain their aye vote to impose  this traffic and parking generating private educational business  on our community.
Although MHS pays no taxes, MHS now wants to use federal and county tax payer dollars to impose a  sidewalk on Evergreen Ave. and Melrose Ave. Sidewalks that MHS claims is required to protect the safety of  a daily morning average of  14 commuter walkers and a daily afternoon average of  zero to 4 commuter walkers. Yet MHS sees  fit not to provide the required crossing guard. 
Why should federal and  county tax payer funds be expended to protect MHS'  commuter walkers  from MHS' 100% increase in traffic ?  Requiring MHS to van its students is by far less expensive than expending 1,100,000 tax payer dollars and would positively benefit our community by significantly reducing MHS traffic on our roads.
And why should  federal and  county tax payer funds Safe be expended  to design and construct a sidewalk that is  justified only by MHS' blatantly false Safe Route to School Application statements ? 
The most flagrant and blatant MHS false statement is that the non-existent Homewood Community Association Traffic  Calming Committee supports MHS' Safe Route to School Application.
Why is the county supporting this MHS scam ??? Is  it because of the annual rent MHS pays to the Mill Valley  School District for use of  the existinb Marin County owned Homestead  Valley Elementary School site ?
How Supervisor Kinsey can support such a deceitful process is  inexplicable.
It is unconsciously irresponsible  of  Supervisor Kinsey to support imposing a sidewalk that each adjacent parcel owner is  legally obliged to maintain and is legally liable for any accidents. 
It is inexplicable that Supervisor Kinsey suggests using  county taxpayer funds or CSA 14 Bond Funds to maintain these sidewalks but does not suggest that MHS also share in supporting sidewalk maintenance and liability costs.

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