:41Begin forwarded message:
From: CharlessandsDate: January 7, 2011 10:41:44 AM PSTCc: Al WuthnowSubject: Melrose and Evergreen Ave. Stop Sign
Hi Les,Can you include in the next Homestead Headlines information about Mari Tamburo's and Karlyn Ward's request for a stop sign at Melrose and Evergreen ?Installing this stop sign will impact every driver north, south and west of Melrose Ave. who uses Melrose Ave. to go to Miller via Molino or Evergreen Ave.I've reguested that DPW provide detailed Caltrans traffic information necesssary to justify installing stop signs in my below email. This information is needed by Homestead Valley drivers to make an informed decision and would be informative if referred to in the next Homestead Headlines.Charles-----Original Message-----
From: Charlessands
To: pfaulkner
Sent: Sun, Jan 2, 2011 6:27 pm
Subject: Fwd: .Request to table Board of Supervisors Jan 11, 2011 meeting agenda item Melrose and Evergreen Ave. Stop Sign and CA. Public Records Act request for information related to this stop sign.
-----Original Message-----
From: Charlessands <charlessands@aol.com>
To: jarnold <jarnold@co.marin.ca.us>
Cc: sadams <sadams@co.marin.ca.us>; hbrown <hbrown@co.marin.ca.us>; skinsey <skinsey@co.marin.ca.us>; cmcglashan <cmcglashan@co.marin.ca.us>; fmansourian <fmansourian@co.marin.ca.us>; bbeaumont <bbeaumont@co.marin.ca.us>
Sent: Sun, Jan 2, 2011 12:26 pm
Subject: .Request to table Board of Supervisors Jan 11, 2011 meeting agenda item Melrose and Evergreen Ave. Stop Sign and CA. Public Records Act request for information related to this stop sign.
Bcc: Madrone Park Circle, HVCC, SaveEvergreen, HearUS groups and HV Beat.Subject: Request to table Board of Supervisors Jan 11, 2011 meeting agenda item Melrose and Evergreen Ave. Stop Sign and CA. Public Records Act request for information related to this stop sign.President Arnold,We respectfully request that the Board of Supervisors table consideration and approval of a 3 way stop sign at Melrose and Evergreen for the following reasons:Given that:a) Homestead Valley residents were not consulted or advised of a request for a 3 way stop sign at Melrose and Evergreen by Ms. Tamburo, who lives on Evergreen Ave., and who does not normally use this intersection as a pedestrian or driver.b) Installing a new 3 way stop sign at Melrose and Evergreen will negatively impact the average daily trips of approximately 257 Homestead Valley property owners or appoximately 1,205 average daily trips at 5 average daily trips trips per household.c) Three 3 way stop signs will be less than 150 feet apart on Melrose which serves as a primary collector street to Evergreen for Montford and Laverne;d) The Melrose and Evergreen intersection now has a stop sign on Evergreen Ave. and operates below the County's Level of Service A intersection standard for all of unincorporated Marin County. See MHS Environmental Initial Study page 21;e) DPW traffic engineering staff's did not recommend a 3 way stop sign be installed at Melrose and Evergreen in BOS approved resolution 2005-105 as a condition of approval nor in BOS approved resolution 2005-104 Marin Horizon School' Environmental Initial Study;e) No known pedestrian accidents have ever been reported to have occurred at Melrose and Evergreen. See MHS Safe Route to Schools application;f) No known vehicular accidents have ever been reported to have occurred at Melrose and Evergreen. See MHS Safe Route to Schools application.g) DPW's current Safe Routes to Schools proposed street improvement and sidewalk design at the Melrose and Evergreen intersection will be in accord with county and Caltrans intersection design standards therefore a 3 way stop sign is not warranted.In order to allow Homestead Valley residents to be fully informed and in accord with the California's Public Records Act you are respectfully requested to direct Director Mansourian to provide us with:o Copies of DPW's "traffic engineering staff's investigation and report confirming that a 3 way is warranted referred to in the below HVBEAT email dated 24 Dec. 2010,o Copies of DPW's traffic engineering staff's on-site field investigation;o Copies of DPW' intersection traffic counts showing a deterioration in LOS below existing level A;o Copies of DPW's traffic and pedestrian accident data;o Copies of the Caltrans procedures and standards for installing 3 way stop signs at intersections;o Copies of all correspondence, such as emails, letters, notes and transcriptions of telephone, from Supervisors, DPW staff, Marin Horizon School management, staff and parents, Mari Tamburo, HVBEAT and Hearus, related to installing a 3 way stop sign Melrose and Evergreen;o Copy of DPW's proposed Safe Routes to School's sidewalk and intersection design at Melrose and Evergreen;Thank you for assisting Homestead Valley residents to make an informed pro or con recommendation relatedto the installation of a new 3 way stop sign at Melrose and Evergreen.Best regards,Charles D. Sands, Architect and Urban DesignerSandsconsult Architects12 Madrone Park CircleMill Valley, CA 94941RSVP-----Original Message-----
From: HVBEAT <hvbeat@gmail.com>
To: Charlessands Sands <charlessands@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Dec 24, 2010 2:55 pm
Subject: Fwd: [Homestead BEAT] STOP Sign at Melrose and Evergreen Takes Another Step Forward
[Homestead BEAT] STOP Sign at Melrose and Evergreen Takes Another Step ForwardAt the request of several concerned Homestead residents, members of the residents HEAR US group, the Marin County DPW traffic engineering staff has completed their investigation and reported back to Director Farhad Mansourian that "installation of STOP INTERSECTION on MELROSE @ EVERGREEN meets the State requirement and therefore it is warranted."
The Board of Supervisors will consider the DPW's recommendation to install STOP SIGNS at their Jan. 11, 2011 public hearing.
Upon their approval the installation should be implemented within 30 days.
Have a Happy and Safe Holiday!
Posted By Mari Tamburo to Homestead BEAT at 12/21/2010 11:27:00 AM
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