Friday, November 26, 2010

Fwd: False SR2S statement " The Traffic Management Plan developed by the County

Director Mansourian,

Your Nov. 6th public statement at DPW’s Evergreen Ave. sidewalk review meeting that there are no false statements in the MHS/DPW application for SR2S funding is uniformed.

DPW's application for SR2S funds contains the following false statement on
Page 7 fourth bullet which states:

"The Traffic Management Plan developed by the County and proposed improvements for traffic calming (narrowing of travel lanes and sidewalk improvements"

That this is a false statement is confirmed by Mr. C. Tackabery's below email response to my below Nov. 11 email asking if the County had developed MHS'
Traffic Management Plan as claimed by the MHS and DPW applicants.

Your personnel acknowledgement of receipt of this email is respectfully requested as well as the action you will tale to correct DPW's false statement.
Charles Sands, Architect and Urban Designer
12 Madrone Park Circle
Mill Valley, CA 94941

-----Original Message-----
From: Tackabery, Craig
To: charlessands
Cc: Beaumont, Bob
Sent: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 5:06 pm
Subject: RE: "Marin Horizon School Trafic Management Plan developed by the County"

I checked with our staff and the only traffic plans we are aware of are the ones
by Harrison and Dowling, which you mention.

-----Original Message-----
From: Beaumont, Bob
Sent: Thu 11/11/2010 5:52 PM
To: Tackabery, Craig
Cc: ''
Subject: FW: "Marin Horizon School Trafic Management Plan developed by the


Please check with staff and get back to Mr. Sands.



From: Charlessands []
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 5:29 PM
To: Beaumont, Bob
Subject: "Marin Horizon School Trafic Management Plan developed by the County"


Marin Horizon School has publicly referred to a "Marin Horizon School Traffic
Management Plan developed by the County".

I've been involved with a locsal resident's group overseeing Marin Horizon
School since 2003 and have never heard that the County developed a Trafic
Management Plan for MHS. Is this true or an uniformed mis-statement ?

I do know that Marin Horizon School's traffic consultant R. Harrison developed a
Trafic Management Plan in 2003 and Dowling & Associates revised it in 2010.
I presume DPW Land Management and Water Resources reviewed it each time.


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