Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rumblings from Evergreen Ave residents

bcc: Madrone Park Circle, Evergreen Ave. and Homestead Valley (CSA 14) neighbors 

Bob Beaumont
Director, Department of Public Works


We understand that DPW staff will be discussing DPW's proposed Evergreen Ave sidewalks impact with Evergreen Ave affected property owner's 

When will Homestead Valley/ CSA 14 residents vote, as promised by Supervisor Kinsey, vote pro or con on DPW's Safe Route to School sidewalk for Marin Horizon School?

An Oct. 2010 independent traffic study showed that there was a daily morning average of 24 and afternoon average of 4 Marin Horizon School student's who now walk along the side of the road or on its shoulder. These few student walkers commute to a Whole Foods parking lot then walk to and from Marin Horizon School.

There are no peak hour school morning and afternoon average daily traffic (pedestrian / bicycles / vehicles) volume studies rationalizing DPW's sidewalk project which nearly the entire valley oppose as Evergreen Ave. is one of the three primary entry roads to Homestead Valley and this proposal reduces the existing travel surface width of Evergreen Ave. between Ethel Ave. and Linden Lane by 7'-0" +/-.

The imposition of this sidewalk on all Homestead Valley CSA 14 residents is not consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act's requirements for community involvement and preparation of an Environmental Initial Study required to determine and mitigate negative environmental impacts. 

Rumblings from Evergreen Ave residents imply that they are gearing up to seek relief  to protect the semi-rural environmental character and quality of their neighborhood.

Best regards,



Anonymous said...

Question: what were the parameters of this Oct 2010 study? What wee the survey periods? What firm conducted it? Who paid for it?


hv94941 said...

Oct. 4 through Oct 21 Traffic volume counts were made every day for 14 days in the morning and afternoon at Linden Lane and Evergreen Ave. and Melrose Ave. and Evergreen Ave. Linden Lane morning counts were made between 7:30 and 8:30 am. Afternoon counts between 2:30 and 3:30 am.
Melrose Ave. morning counts were made between 8:15 and 9:15 am. Afternoon counts between 2:15 and 3:15 am.
The survey was conducted by a professional firm who provided the survey pro bono and asked to remain anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous? So no one can tell if theyre a profesdional organization? No one can review their paperwork? No one can review their historical work? No one can validate their study? No one can tell if they're a newly formed 'firm' made up of neighbors who have a bias in this debate?

Most importantly, no one can be dissuaded from believing this is completely made up 'study' published to support one side in the debate.

A true professional would not support their arguments with highly suspect data such as this because it impugnes every argument they make rendering all their arguments worthless.