Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fwd: MHS' and DPW's non-existant fictious SR2 endorser

From: Charlessands 
Date: November 30, 2010 4:30:08 PM PST
Subject: Fwd: MHS' and DPW's non-existant fictious SR2 endorser 

The following email to Supervisor Kinsey is very helpfull.. More letters like it from all who love omestead Valley to Supervisor Kinsey may help but given his  support for imposing Marin Horizon School on us in 2005 I'm not optimistic.
Any one know an attorney who can help Arne and our Evergreen Ave.neighbors defend themselves ??
Charles Sands, Architect and Urban Designer
12 Madrone Park Circle
Mill Valley, CA 94941
415 381 6804
-----Original Message-----
From: Arne Frager 
To: Steven Kinsey <skinsey@co.marin.ca.us>
Sent: Tue, Nov 30, 2010 3:33 pm
Subject: Fwd: MHS' and DPW's non-existant fictious SR2 endorser

Dear Steve:

As was stated in the recent meeting at Mill Valley Community Center regarding the sidewalk project for Evergreen Ave., the original SR2S grant application contained several
blatant and false statements. (See below letter from Mr. Sands). There are
other false and fraudulent statements that were contained in the original

It is also true that this plan is not in accordance with the Tamalpais
Area Community Plan, nor has the required Environmental Impact Study been
performed. It would seem that Mr. Monsourian and DPW intend to push forward
with their "preliminary 10% design" plan for the sidewalk by attempting to forego each
and every law that has been put into effect to preserve my street and neighborhood's
character and "look and feel". (So far, DPW has made it clear that its the current
plan or no sidewalk. Thats fine..............lets have no sidewalk then if those are the
only two choices).

As a resident on Evergreen Ave. for 21 years and father of two children (now grown) 
who attended public school in Marin, I am a supporter of  schools and children. However, I do not agree that this solution will create a safer street for residents and children. In fact, I see it quite the opposite.
Solving the increased traffic on Evergreen Ave. caused by MHS would be a much
better solution to the problem; without that traffic, there really is no problem!
We have suggested stop signs, one way traffic, and a commitment by MHS to 
stop the increased traffic, all to no avail.
Several of my neighbor's on Evergreen and I are convinced that DPW intends to 
go ahead, and that you intend to go ahead and support the proposed sidewalk,
even against the rising opposition of our residents and property owners on Evergreen Ave.

Therefore it is my goal to work to raise funds and file a lawsuit to stop this project if
thats our only solution. We have a great deal of support for this fight.
The entire original application is full of mistatements and outright falsehoods! 
This is not acceptable to me and to most of my neighbors on Evergreen Ave.
This fight is just beginning. MHS and DPW's actions have awakened a sleeping neighborhood.


Arne Frager
 Evergreen Ave.
Mill Valley, CA. 94941

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